S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats

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The links are not updated and will not be updated anymore. Last updated 2015-11-30     Created 1996-08-06 by Johanna Grebner 

Links to other cat sites

Sveriges Kattklubbars Riksförbund (Sverak)
Norske Rasekattklubber Riksforbund (NRR)
Federation Internationale Féline - FIFe
Kattutställningar i Sverige och Norge
American Association of Cat Enthusiasts inc (AACE)
The American Cat Fanciers Association
The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA)
Cat Fancier's Federation
The Govering Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF)
The International Cat Association (TICA)
Internet Cat Club
Absolutely Cats
Beware of cat!
Cat Fanciers
Cats: From The Jungle To Our Homes
European Cat Fancy
Fanciers Breeder Referral List
Feline Advisory Bureau
Guide to Animal Rights
Kattluckan - öppningen till ett nytt liv för katter i nöd
Kattstatus - för ett bättre kattliv
NetVet/Electronic Zoo
Stockholms kattkastreringsgrupp
Svenska katters sida
Cats United International Homepage
The Cat House

This site is maintained by S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats.
I do not take any responsibility for the contents of the sites I have links to.

S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats