S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats

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The links are not updated and will not be updated anymore. Last updated 2015-11-30     Created 1996-08-06 by Johanna Grebner 

Links to NFO Clubs

Skogkattslingan, Sweden
Norsk Skogkattring, Norway
Norsk Skovkattering, Denmark
Finnish Forestcat Club, SMERRY
Norwegian Forest Cat Club in Finland NORSKI
Skógarkattaklúbbur Íslands
Skogkatt, UK
The Norwegian Forest Cat Club, UK
The Norwegian Forest Cat Society, UK
The Viking Cat Club, UK
Norsk Skogkatt Society
Club du Chat des Foręts Norvégiennes, France
Association Internationale de Defense du "Skogkatt", France
Le Norvégien
Gatti delle Foreste Norvegesi
IGNS Norwegische Waldkatzen der Schweiz FFH/FIFé
SWISS Skogkatt
CEBN. Club Espańol el Bosque de Noruega
De Noorman
Noorse Boskattenkring 1995, Holland
Intressengemeinschaft Norwegischer Waldkatzen, Germany 
Hallo Norweger
Klub Hodowców Kotów Norweskich Leśnych NFO 2000
Klub Miłośników Kotów Norweskich Leśnych
Norsk Skogkattring, USA
Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Club, USA
Norwegian Forest Cat Fanciers Association, USA

This site is maintained by S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats.
I do not take any responsibility for the contents of the sites I have links to.
Do you know any other links to Norwegian Forest Cats Clubs?
Please send me an e-mail:

S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats