S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats

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Last updated 2025-01-07     Created 1996-08-06 by Johanna Grebner    ©


or use Pawpeds or Sverak pedigree for more than 4 generations and inbreeding coefficient


GIC S*Milda ma Tildes Fridtjof Nansen, Red mackerel tabby (NFO d 23)


EP & EC S*Izawatha's Siska, DSM, Blacktortie smoke & white (NFO fs 09)  -  HCM normal December 2004

CH S* Tal Der Aim's Capirossi
Black spotted tabby (NFO n 24)
GIC S*Solkullas Hemul
Black spotted tabby (NFO n 24)
IC S*Morr Hoppans Kreon
Brown mackerel tabby/white (NFO n 09 23)
IC S*Ambient Stardust
Black/white (NFO n 09)
S*Tal Der Aim's Trisha
Black blotched tabby (NFO n 22)
IP&EC (N)Ollendorff's Tordenskjold
Black/white (NFO n 09)
S*Tal Der Aim's Faidran
Black blotched tabby & white (NFO n 09 22)
EC S* Barkli´s Tingeling, DM
Blacktortie mackerel tabby (NFO f 23)
EC S*Backom's Gillis
Black mackerel tabby (NFO n 23)
IC S*Coleoptera's Ymer
Black mackerel tabby (NFO n 23)
CH S*Skogsbryn Sindurella
Black blotched tabby (NFO n 22)
IC S*Bonnea's Amorina
Blacktortie mackerel tabby & white (NFO f 09 23)
EC S*Ilves' Aslan of Narnia
Red (NFO d)
GIC S*Black Islands Winona
Brown mackerel tabby/white (NFO n 09 23)
EC S*Izawatha's Shogun, DM,
Red mackerel tabby/white (NFO d 09 23)

HCM normal November 2005

GIC S*Solkullas Hemul,
Black spotted tabby (NFO n 24)
IC S*Morr Hoppans Kreon
Brown mackerel tabby/white (NFO n 09 23)
IC S*Ambient Stardust
Black/white (NFO n 09)
GIC S*Tigerögas Hiawatha
Blacktortie/white (NFO f 09)

HCM normal December 2004

EP & EC S*Solslingans Don Juan, DM,
Blacksmoke/white (NFO ns 09)
HCM normal December 2004
GIC Fåfängans Mira,
Blacktortieblotchedtabby/white (NFO f 09 22)
S*Tigerögas Izabelle, DM,
Blacksilver mackerel tabby  (NFO ns 23 )

HCM normal November 2005

EC Romeo,
Blacksilver blotched tabby (NFO ns 22)
EC S*Glitterfjordens Smaragd
Blacksilverblotchedtabby (NFO ns 22)
S*Cephalanthéra Fyra
Blueblotchedtabby (NFO a 22)
S*Tigerögas Eldalie
Blacktortie/white (NFO f 09 )
EC Putchi Two av Hulder (N),
Black/white (NFO n 09)
GIC Fåfängans Mira, DM,
Blacktortieblotchedtabby/white (NFO f 09 22)

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