S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats

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Last updated 2025-01-07     Created 1996-08-06 by Johanna Grebner    ©

Title: Europe Premior & Europe Champion
Distinguished Show Merit
Distinguished Variety Merit
Awards: 14 Best in Show
6 Best Senior
69 Nominations for Best in Show
50 Best of Variety
Best NFO group 8 in SVERAK 2009
Colour: Blacktortiesmoke & white
NFO fs 09
Health: HCM normal December 2004
GSD IV homozygous normal (both parents tested homozygous normal)
FIV, FeLV negative March 2005
Genotype: aaD-OoIiSs
Sex: Female - neuter
Born: March 20, 2002 in Ingarö
Nickname: Siska
Father: PR & EC S*Izawatha's Shogun, DM
HCM normal November 2005
Mother: S*Tigerögas Izabelle, DM
HCM normal November 2005
Breeder: Kristina Strömberg & Kjell Wikström

Show results    Pictures    Pedigree

Siska's first litter - M-litter
Siska's second and last litter - N-litter

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