S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats

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Last updated 2025-01-07     Created 1996-08-06 by Johanna Grebner    ©


Jet-Seth is father of 13 litters
S*Tigerögas' first litter with CH S*Magorias Electra - 2010-07-01
S*Tigerögas' litter with SC S*Zarkesha's Kewpie Doll, DVM - 2011-02-12
SE*Pawsome's litter with IC S*Isgårdens Delta - 2012-01-17
S*Tigerögas' second litter with CH S*Magorias Electra - 2012-02-11
SE*For Keeps' litter with SC S*Medaljens Vivienne Westwood - 2012-08-31
S*Heads or tails' litter with CH S*Gunsmokes Crocker - 2013-03-31
S*Segersjös' litter with SC S*Solstrimmans Lady HillingDon - 2014-06-16
SE*Pawsome's litter with IC S*Isgårdens Delta - 2014-11-12
SE*For Keeps' litter with SC S*Medaljens Vivienne Westwood - 2015-06-13
S*Tigerögas' litter with SC S*Tigerögas Sunrise of Lynx-Lair, DVM- 2017-06-04
SE*Entourage's litter with SE*Entourage's La Gloria - 2017-11-15
SE*Gosetassen's litter with S*Fonrims Highland Queen - 2017-11-21
S*Tigerögas' litter with GIC S*Tigerögas Upalite - 2018-03-30
SE*Ängaby's litter with SE*Ängaby Joelle - 2018-11-02

Registered offsprings at SVERAK - pedigrees

S*Tigerögas' cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: CH S*Magoria's Electra, NFO n 03 23
Born: July 1, 2010    Pedigree (Pawpeds - SVERAK)    Breeder: Johanna Grebner
CH S*Tigerögas Parnall Prawn Female - fertile NFO n 09 23
GIC S*Tigerögas Parnall Pixie Female - fertile NFO a 09 23
CH S*Tigerögas Parnall Puffin Male - neuter NFO n 09 24
S*Tigerögas Parnall Panther Male - fertile? NFO n 09 23
IC S*Tigerögas Parnall Pike Male - fertile NFO a 09 24

S*Tigerögas Parnall Pixie, Parnall Prawn, Parnall Panther, Parnall Puffin and Parnall Pike

S*Tigerögas' cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SC S*Zarkesha's Kewpie Doll, DVM, NFO fs 09 23
Born: February 12, 2011    Pedigree (Pawpeds - SVERAK)    Breeder: Johanna Grebner
S*Tigerögas Quinoa Female - neuter NFO fs 09 23

S*Tigerögas Quinoa

SE*Pawsome's cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: IC S*Isgårdens Delta, NFO n 09 24
Born: January 17, 2012    Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Annika Forsell
SE*Pawsome Pi Female - fertile NFO n 22
CH SE*Pawsome Epsilon Male - fertile NFO n 24
SE*Pawsome Omega Female - neuter NFO n 09 22
SE*Pawsome Sigma Male - neuter NFO n 09 22

SE*Pawsome Pi, Epsilon, Sigma and Omega


S*Tigerögas cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: CH S*Magoria's Electra, NFO n 03 23
Born: February 11, 2012    Pedigree (Pawpeds - SVERAK)    Breeder: Johanna Grebner
S*Tigerögas Ronja Rövardotter Female - neuter NFO a 09 23
S*Tigerögas Rullgardina Krusmynta Female - neuter NFO n 09 23
GIC S*Tigerögas Ruskprick Male - neuter NFO n 09

S*Tigerögas Rullgardina Krusmynta, Ronja Rövardotter and Ruskprick

SE*For Keeps cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SC S*Medaljens Vivienne Westwood, NFO n 09 24
Born: August 31, 2012    Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK    Breeder: Ann Roshage & Martin Walldin
SC SE*For Keeps Pat Benatar, DVM Female - fertile NFO n 09 24
SE*For Keeps John Fogerty Male - neuter NFO n 24
CH SE*For Keeps Tanya Tucker Female - fertile NFO n 22
SP SE*For Keeps Stevie Nicks Female - neuter NFO n 24

SE*For Keeps Stevie Nicks, Pat Benatar, John Fogerty and Tanya Tucker
Photo: Eivor Rasehorn ©


S*Head or tails' cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: CH S*Gunsmokes Crocker, NFO f 24
Born: March 31, 2013    Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK       Breeder: Marre Smeds
S*Heads or tails Captain Morgan Male NFO d 24
S*Heads or tails Chivas Regal Male NFO e 24
S*Heads or tails Cherry Brandy Female NFO n
S*Heads or tails Cornelia Cacao Female NFO n 22

S*Head or tails Cornelia Cacao, Captain Morga, Chivas Regal and Cherry Brandy


S*Segersjös cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SC S*Solstrimmans Lady Hillingdon, DM, NFO n 03 22
Born: 2014-06-16    Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK    Breeder: Cina Selander
S*Segersjös Pebbles Female NFO n 09 22


SE*Pawsome's cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: IC S*Isgårdens Delta, NFO n 09 24
Born: November 12, 2014    Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Annika Forsell
SE*Pawsome Leia Lambda Female NFO n 24
SE*Pawsome Charlie Chi Male NFO a 09 22
SE*Pawsome Bosse Beta Male NFO n 24
SE*Pawsome Zoe Zeta Female NFO n 24
SE*Pawsome Rudolf Rho Male NFO n 09 24
SE*Pawsome Alf Alfa Male NFO n 22
SE*Pawsome Torsten Tau Male NFO a 24

SE*For Keeps cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SC S*Medaljens Vivienne Westwood, NFO n 09 24
Born: 2015-06-13    Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK    Breeder: Ann Roshage & Henrik Thorslund
SE*For Keeps Peter Criss Male NFO n 09 22

S*Tigerögas cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SC S*Tigerögas Sunrise of Lynx-Lair, DVM, NFO fs 09 23
Born: 2017-06-04 Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Johanna Grebner
S*Tigerögas grape Vertzami Female NFO ns 22
S*Tigerögas grape Valiant Male NFO ns 24
S*Tigerögas grape Verdea Female NFO n 09 22
S*Tigerögas grape Verduzzo Male NFO ns 09 22
S*Tigerögas grape Vespolina Female NFO fs 22

SE*Entourage's cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SE*Entourage's La Gloria, NFO f 03 24
Born: 2017-11-15 Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Mikaela Petersson
SE*Entourage's Eleven Female NFO n 09 24
SE*Entourage's Maxine Female NFO n 09 22
SE*Entourage's Dustin Male NFO d 09 22
SE*Entourage's Lucas Male NFO n 09 22
SE*Entourage's Will Male NFO n 09 22

SE*Gosetassens cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: S*Fonrims Highland Queen, NFO ds 23
Born: 2017-11-21 Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Maria Lindh
SE*Gosetassens Bumper Male NFO d 22
SE*Gosetassens Bolli Stolli Male NFO d 24
SE*Gosetassens Bellini Male NFO e 22
SE*Gosetassens Bailey Male NFO e 22
SE*Gosetassens Bossa Nova Female NFO f 22

S*Tigerögas cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: GIC S*Tigerögas Upalite, NFO n 03 24
Born: 2018-03-30 Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Johanna Grebner
S*Tigerögas Woodallite Female NFO n 09
S*Tigerögas Willyamite Male NFO n 09 24
S*Tigerögas Wilcoxite Male NFO a 09 24

SE*Ängaby's cattery

Father: SC S*Milda ma Tildes Jet-Seth, DVM, NFO n 22
Mother: SE*Ängaby Joelle, NFO n 03 24
Born: 2018-11-02 Pedigree: Pawpeds - SVERAK Breeder: Sara Svensson
SE*Ängaby Norton Male NFO n 09 24
SE*Ängaby Neville Male NFO n 09 24
SE*Ängaby Nathan Male NFO n 09 24
SE*Ängaby Newton Male NFO n 09 24
SE*Ängaby Nova Female NFO n 09 24
SE*Ängaby Nikk Male NFO n 09
SE*Ängaby Nora Female NFO a 09



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