S*Tigerögas Norwegian Forest Cats

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Last updated 2012-09-15     Created 1996-08-06 by Johanna Grebner    ©

4 years old:

Colour: Blacksmoke, NFO ns
Genotype: aaD-oytbtbIiss
Sex: Male
Born: January 14, 2001
Father: IC S*Magoria's Big Bear, n 09 22
Mother: GIC S*Izawatha's Nanai, ns
Breeder: Johanna Grebner  
Owner: AnneMaria Kovero

Christmas 2005

3˝ years old:

3 years old:

2 years old:

1 year old.

7 weeks old:
S*Tigerögas Laphroaig


Laphroaig, pronounced "lafroyg" from the Gaelic meaning "the beautifull hollow by the broad bay" was established in the 1820's.
The Islay with the strongest character; very iodiny, very peaty. You either love it or loathe it.

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